Foster Application

    A foster carer must be 18 years and over

    Personal Details:
    Title (required)
    First Name (required)
    Last Name (required)
    Address line (required)
    Suburb-city (required)
    Post Code (required)
    State (required)
    Phone or Mobile (required)
    Your Email (required)
    Best time to call:

    About You and Your Family
    Your Occupation:
    How many other adults are living in the household:
    How many children are living in the household:
    Are you expecting a child or planning a family: YesNo
    Do children regularly visit your home YesNo
    Is your home:
    If renting does your landlord allow dogs: YesNoNot Sure
    Your Neighborhood is:Inner CitySuburbanRuralRemote
    Describe your yard and fence:
    Do you currently own dogs YesNo
    Please list all other dogs in your household, names, age, sex, breed and how long you have owned them:
    Do you have other animals?: YesNo
    Please list details on other animals:
    Do you use crating for sleeping or containing your dogs:YesNo

    Your Veterinarian Contact Details
    Name of veterinary practice or hospital:
    Name of your regular Veterinarian:

    Your Basenji Knowledge
    Have you owned a Basenji:YesNo
    If yes, please provide some information on your past Basenjis:
    Have you foster Basenjis before:YesNo
    If yes, please give details:

    About the Basenji You Will Foster
    Gender: MaleFemaleEither
    Where will the Basenji sleep:
    Who will be the primary care giver:
    How long will the Basenji be alone during the day:

    Is there anything else to say: